Monday, February 20, 2012

Various Uses of Laser Etching and Laser Engraving

Laser light is known for years as an effective solution for marking, cutting, engraving and etching methodology in various industries. The laser light effectively works on different types of materials ranging from metal, plastic, paints, ceramic materials, film to glasses. Laser lights are used world-wide for making different types of materials. So, there are various uses of laser marking in the industries.
Laser etching is used in electronic industries – laser lights are used for engraving letters, numbers, characters, and symbols on computer keyboard and mobile devices such as phones, PDAs, tablets, etc. Laser lighting is also used for embossing brand logos and name on the appliances.
Laser engraving and laser etching in automobile industry - Laser lights mark the numbers on the Speedometers. Laser etching is preferred for marking brand name on switches and gear shifts in automobiles.
Laser lights in fashion world – laser engraving and laser etching have become quite popular in fashion world. They are used for precisely cutting the metals and glassed for making attractive designs of jewelry.
There are innumerable applications of laser etching. They are also used for semi-conductor circuit designing, film processing, paint stripping, gate cutting, aluminum marking, gold plate engraving, and resin marking. Computer program and engraving machines are used for the purpose of engraving on any type of metals and other materials.
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